Tuesday, March 22, 2011

We Are The Reason That He Gave His Life

When did Jesus come?  Look at Galatians 4:4-5, "But when the fullness of time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law.  To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons."    Why did Jesus come?  Look at John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

See, unbeliever, you were created so that God and you could have a relationship together.  That relationshipo was destroyed by Adam and Eve, but God chose to re-establish that relationship by giving His Son Jesus to be the Redeemer for you so that you could be placed under the adoption of God's family.  II Corinthians 6:2--"...behold now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation."  Today is the day to get what you need to become God's child.  See we are all God's creation, but we ARE NOT all God's children.  Jesus is the only "...way, truth, and life."  He is the only way to God, and to become part of God's family.  He wants you, do you want Him?  I mean, really want Jesus...life eternal, perfect life eternal, not just a guess or a maybe, but true, perfect life eternal.  Something to look forward to for eternity!!! 

It's in Jesus, my friend, not anywhere else---JUST JESUS!!

Choose Him today--don't turn away from HIM!!

----Pastor Fryer

Parents Regain Your Authority!

We live in a society that tells us and our children that we need to "give" more to them, while they hardly give a "Thank You" for any gesture that is given to them.  So, how do I get my parenthood back from what I've lost?

1.  Be firm and consistent in your rules and boundaries.

2.  Be firm and consistent when rules and boundaries are broken. 

3.  Be firm and consistent to every child and the rules and boundaries don't change from one child to another.  If it's wrong for one child, then it's wrong for all the children.

4.  Don't allow your children to boss you around.  You are still the adult, and while you need to be as just as you possibly can, you still need to be firm and consistent in your decisions.  Don't let them "out maneuver" you.  They get all their training from friends which are allowed to make decisions, television, and the public schools, that they need, and they will use you as their "guinea pig" to make sure that it works.  Satan is still the father of all sin, and is a great mamipulator to the destructive factor in your home. (John 9:44)

5.  Don't reward inappropriate behavior.  Temper tantrums and bossiness are just as inappropriate as disobedience and are regarded by God as sinful as witchcraft (means user of drugs).  (I Samuel 15:23)  In this new year, let me encourage you to be consistent and firm in your walk with the Lord, being faithful to Him, and taking your stand with the One who died for you...Jesus.

Remember that He was firmly committed to the cross, regardless of the discouragement portrayed by the 11 disciples who fled, including Judas, who hanged himself.  John, the Beloved disciple, stayed with Jesus all the way to the cross, and was rewarded to see the events of the future. 

Jesus requires that His followers be the following:  (1) Love Him with heart, soul, mind, and strength (Mark 12:30-31).  (2) I Cor :2--"Moreover it is required in stewards (servants), that a man (generic term meaning male or female) be found faithful."  So the Master has called and expects us to follow.  "Though no one join me, still I will follow---no turning back, no turning back."  Will you follow, no matter the price or the cost--remember, it cost Jesus everything for people who deserved nothing.  Let me challenge you, parents, Christians, to ask the Lord to help you be more consistent to Him, and being more consistent in the home and in your own personal life.

----Pastor Fryer

What Is The Cost of Being A Committed Disciple?

1.. You must be born again.  Having Jesus in your heart will be your first step to being a committed disciple of Jesus Christ.  Jesus told Nicodemus in John 3:3, "ye must be born again." 

2.  You must be a baptized believer in Jesus.  After salvation, being baptized is the main, first step of obedience. 

3.  You need to be a tithing member, reading your Bible on a daily basis, praying on a daily basis, witnessing for Jesus whenever the situation arises, and attending church (Sunday School and all church services).  WHY?  II Peter 3:18---a slacker of any of these cannot grow to full maturity in Jesus Christ.  You cannot expect a child to grow without proper nourishment and so it is with the "child of God."

4.  To be a committed disiple after all these things (1-3) are dealt with, there is one main ingredient...giving your entire life, body, family, marriage, etc to the complete ownership of Jesus Christ.  Letting Him be the controller of what happens in your life.  Going to the backseat of the car and letting Him have the wheel.  Then and only then does your salvation, your church, your children, your family, and yes, even your very existence become His completely and you will notice in your life that you will experience less satanic dominance, satanic influence and less satanic resistance concerning your wanting to serve the Lord.  Just tell satan, "You're not going to defeat me in this move of mine to serve Jesus."  Do as Jesus did, "Get behind me, satan."  Start quoting verses (that's why we encourage scripture memorization).  Being faithful to church and to the things of Christ takes hard work, but thre is a great reward if we just follow Him.  Let me challenge you, Christian, fight the good fight of faith---but don't try it on your own---include Jesus---let Him be your first line of defense against satan.  Satan cannot stand against the Master--it is impossible for 'ole slippery foot to succeed against God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

----Pastor Fryer

Learning To Be Satisfied--Study on Ecclesiastes

Learning To Be Satisfied
Study on the Book of Ecclesiastes--Lesson 17
Ecclesiastes 8

Introduction:  What about the wicked?  King Solomon comes face to face with the problem of evil in the world.  Does God know about it?  Does he not have the power to stop it?  Solomon solves the problem of evil by putting things in their proper perspective.  7:29  During the darkest days of WWII a preacher was asked why doesn't God stop the war?  His reply was "He didn't start it".  Solomon explores the problem of evil in the world by examining three key areas of life.

1.  Authority (vs 1-9)  Beginning with Nimrod (Gen. 10:8,9) and continuing down the centuries millions of good people have been oppressed by bad leaders.  Even Solomon put his servants under much bondage.  (I Kings 4:7-28; 12:1-14) 

When a servant was commanded to do something evil, wisdom told him that there were 4 possible approaches:  (A)Disobedience-vs 2.  The servant must be true to his oath of allegiance to the king and to God.  (Rom 13)  The officer could obey the orders so as to avoid punishment. (vs 5)  Disobedience could lead to death (Dan. 4; Rom. 13:3,4)  We all have misery, so why add to it? (vs 7)  (B) Desertion--vs 3.   "Be not hasty to go out of his sight." (C) Defiance-vs.3 "stand not in an evil thing." Don't get involved in a plan to overthrow the kin, what it is saying.  Acts 5:29 is applied when it comes to conscience and the law.  How we express our disagreement with the authorities demands wisdom and grace.  (D) Discernment vs 5-6.  The wise servant  understands that "time and judgement" must be considered in everything we do.  David did not impulsively reveal himself to his brethren. (Gen. 43-45)  Nehemiah waited, watched, and prayed (Neh 1,2).  Daniel used wisdom in proceeding with his captors (Dan 1).  The apostles used discernment when they were arrested (Acts 4,5).  It is not easy to be a consistent Christian but we can ask for wisdom and receive it.  (James 1:5, 3:17, 18)

2.  Inequity (vs 10-14)  Solomon summarizes his concerns in verse 14.  There is more injustice in this world than we care to admit. 

A Spanish proverb:  "Laws, like spider webs, catch the fly and let the hawks go free."

F. Lee Bailey said, "In America an acquittal doesn't mean you're innocent, it means you beat the rap."

Verse 10--Solomon is reporting on a funeral he is observing, this person had attended the temple, received much praise from the people but did not live a godly life.  Judgement was not placed on his life, yet (vs 11).  God is a longsuffering God and may not judge sin immediately.  II Peter 3:11,12.  Solomon concludes that evil will be judged and the righteous will rewarded (vs 12, 13).  The exercise of wisdom is very important to understand this.  (Prov 9:10).

The Law of Faith--Proverbs 3: 1-6

Key Verse:  vs 5-6

Introduction:  In essence, it is a life of faith that is determined by the law of faith.   (Heb. 2:4) (II Cor 5:7) (Romans 14:23)  Faith is defined in Hebrews 11:1 as "..the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

To Martin Luther, faith was so much a matter of believing in propositions as of trusting in a Person.  Man was created to trust God only and wholly.  Anything less is faithlessness and godlessness.  "Faith is a lively confidence in goodness of God.  Faith demands of us:

1.  The Decision of Trust (vs 5)
   A.  Human impotence "feebleness" is the secret of divine competence "ability".  (II Cor 12:10)
     Quote:  J. Edgar Hoover once wrote:  "When one leans on his own understanding, lives by his own strength, boasts of his own
                  accomplishments, and claims he is his own master, the result is untold suffering.  Even through his position is maintained and
                  his material wealth increases, success quickly turns to failure when God is forgotten.  There is no peace of mind, no personal
                  satisfaction, no experience of true inner joy.  To trust in the Lord with all the heart is a mark of strength!  It is the only path to
                  true fulfillment."
   B.  This decision of trust calls for a capitulation, "surrender', to Christ.
         1.  "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart." (vs 5)
         2.  In Hebrew psychology, the heart is not so much the seat of emotions as that of the intellect and will.  Thus the invitation is to
              personally trust -- surrender your will to Christ. (Total allegiance) (Yield One's All)
              Illus:  C.T. Studd understood this:  He said:  "If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice is too great for me to
                         make for Him."
   C.  This decision of trust calls for a renunciation ("rejection") of self.
         1.  "...lean not unto thine own understanding."  (vs 5)
         2.  Either we renounce self, or we captiulate ("succum") to self and renounce Christ.  *So many people want to grasp the Savior
              with one hand while they hold the world with the other; it cannot be done.  We must follow the Savior without reservation.
             Illus:  A lady visiting Niagra Falls was crossing a little bridge over to one of the falls.  She saw the swirling waters beneath her
                       and she began to panic.  She frose!  The guide said, "Put your hand into my hand!"  She did and was guided to safety.
                       Christ is our Guide!

II.  The Devotion of Trust (vs 6)
   A.  "In all thy ways acknowledge Him..." (vs 6)
          1.  Praciticing the presence of Christ moment by moment involves more than learning of Christ in the Word and speaking to Christ
               in prayer.
               *It means unbroken fellowship with the Lord through a life of unqualified dependence and obedience.
          2. Every moment Jesus should be thinking through your mind, looking through your eyes, speaking through your lips, working
              through your hands, walking through your feet, and loving through your heart. (Phil. 1:21)  "For me, living is Christ."
              Illus: For many living is money, fame, sports, or sex.  You can tell what dominates ones life after five minutes of conversation.
    B.  We must daily serve the pleasure of Christ. (vs6)  "In all thy ways acknowledge him..."
          1.  Christ while on earth consuming passion was to please His Father. (John 4:34; 8: 29)  As a result God could say of His Son:
              This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." (Matt 3:17; 17:5)
          2.  Our supreme delight should be to please the Lord Jesus in everything.

III.  The Direction of Trust (vs 6)
   A.  "In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."  (vs 6)
          1.  God seldom guides a soul that follows afar off.  He will not reveal His way to the ear that will not listen.  (His will is revealed
               through His Word.)
          2.  God's power will remove obstructions in ones life.  Word "direct" is used in Isaiah 40:3, which means "to clear a highway in the
               desert".  Thank God we don't have to grope in darkness.  (Ps 23:3) (John 8:12)
           Quote:  A great writer of the past said:  "When once the decision is made, let us never look back.  Let us never dare to supposed
                        that God would fail them that trust Him or permit them to make a mistake.  If difficulties arise, they do not prove us to be
                        wrong, and probably they are less by this path than they are by any other.  Go forward!  The way has been prepared, the
                        mountains are a way; the rivers have fords, the lions are chained, the desert shall be a highway to the land that flows with
                        milk and honey."
           3.  See John 10:4
   B.  God's promise to reveal instructions to us.  (vs 6)  "He shall direct thy paths"
           1.  Word of God is God's road map for us.  It is our Guiding Light.
           2.  We are lead by the Spirit of God according to the Word of God.  God's promise to lead His own will never fail.  We have the
                 guidance of grace of Heaven.  Make the journey with Jesus.  Start today!

Monday, March 21, 2011

It's Time To Be Faithful--First Timothy Chapter 2

Service or Circus

Let all things be done decently and in order is a basic principle for the conduct of the ministry of the church.  Paul is exhorting young Timothy because the members of the church in Ephesus were disobeying God's Word.  Paul counteracts this tendency, by reminding them of their spiritual responsibilities.

1.  The Men--Praying vs 1-8
     A.  The priority of prayer--vs 1
            Our hearts must be right with God and with each other.  Matt. 6:5
           When a local church ceases to depend on prayer, God ceases to bless its ministry.
     B.  The variety of prayer -- vs 1
           Supplication carries the idea of offering a request for a felt need.  Prayers emphasizes the sacredness of prayer.  Prayer is an act
           of worship, not just an expression of our wants and needs.
           Intercessions -- petitions--I Tim. 4:5 -- its basic meaning is to draw near to a person and converse confidently with them.
           Giving of thanks--we need to not only give thanks for answers to prayer, but for who God is and He does for us in His grace.
               Ps. 100
           Prayer and supplication with thanksgiving.  Phil. 4:6  Daniel practiced this kind of praying.  Dan. 6:10-11
     C.  The objects of prayer -vs- 1-2 "all men"
           There are no people outside the influence of believing prayer.
           We should pray for the unsaved, people nearus and far away, for enemies as well as friends.  For those in authority.  Nero was
           emporer.  It is for our own good. Vs 2.
           Quiet refers to circumstances around us and peaceable refers to a calm attitude within us.
     D.  The reasons for prayer vs 3-4
           The word good is a key word in Paul's pastoral epistles--I Tim. 1:8, 18; 2:3; 3:1; 7, 13; 4:4, 6; 5:4, 10, 25; 6:12, 13, 18, 19;
           II Tim. 1:4; 2:3; 4:7; Titus 2:7, 14; 3:8, 14

It's Time To Be Faithful--First Timothy 1:18-20

I.  Preach Sound Doctrine  1:1-11
II. Proclaim the Gospel  vs 12-17
III. Defend the Faith vs 18-20

   Paul uses military language "Charge" which means "an urgent command handed down from a superior officer" I Tim. 1:3
   The soldiers task is II Tim. 2:4 and not please himself.
   Vs 19--He changes illustrations from army to navy.  "Hold faith and a good conscience" which keeps us on track.
   The conscience can be defined as "the inner voice which warns us that somebody may be looking".
   Professing Chrsitians who "make shipwreck" of their faith do so by sinning against their consciences.
   Bad Doctrine starts with bad conduct and usually with secret sin.
   "Delivered unto Satan" vs 20 - implies an apostolic discipline.  I Cor. 5:5 and disassociation from the local church.  The verb "learn" vs 20 means to learn by discipline.  When a Christian refuses to repent, the local fellowship should exercise discipline.  Matt. 18 excluding them from the protective fellowship of the Saints which maeks them vulnerable to the attacks of Satan.  Job 1-2; Luke 22:31-34.  Churches should be balanced exposing Satan.  John 8:44, I Tim. 4:1; and preaching sound doctrine. 1:10.

How To Have A Challenging New Year

How to have a challenging New Year....

1.  Challenge yourself to read God's Word--even if you have to read one verse, and think about that verse all day, then you have accomplished more for Jesus.

2.  Challenge yourself to be at Sunday School this year.  If you were to compare learning about God, and Jesus, to making a sandwich, then the 11am service would be the top part of the sandwich, and the 6pm service would be the bottom part of the sandwich, but the meat of the sandwich is the 10am part of the day.  In Sunday School you are going to build a foundation for yourself that will knock out all the jibberish of the world.

3.  Challenge yourself ot pray for as many of the church family as you can remember.  As you remember your church family, write them down on a piece of paper.  You will find that your problems cease as you pray for others.

4.  Challenge yourself to have one new acquainteance per month.  Then challenge yourself to invite them to church.

5.  Challenge yourself to give more to Jesus this year than last, even if it's only one dollar every month.  Push yourself to the limit and trust, try, and prove the Lord to see what kind of blessings that He will allow you to have.  You can never out-give God---remember, He owns the cattle on a thousand hills--I know that He will care for you!!!

6.  Challenge yourself to never quit on God.  The temptation may be great, but He will never leave you or forsake you--because when you ask Him into your heart, you are bought with a price.  All these challenges will help you to glorify God in your body and serve Him ultimately with your body, soul, and spirit.  Remember, He gave all for you, what can you give to Him?

--Pastor Jim Fryer

Thursday, March 17, 2011

What is the Cost of Being a Committed Christian?

What is the Cost of Being a Committed Christian?

1.  You must be born-again.  Having Jesus in your heart will be your
first step to being a committed disciple of Jesus Christ.  Jesus told
Nicodemus in John 3:3, "ye must be born again."

2.  You must be a baptized believer in Jesus.  After salvation, being
baptized is the main,
first step of obedience

3.  You need to be a tithing member, reading your Bible on a daily
basis, praying on a daily basis, witnessing for Jesus whenever the
situation arises, and attending church (Sunday School and all church
services.)  WHY?  II Peter 3:18---a slacker of any of these cannot grow
to full maturity in Jesus Christ.  You cannot expect a child to grow
with out proper nourishment and so it is with the "child of God".

4.  To be a committed disciple after all these things (1-3) are dealt
with, there is one main ingredient---giving your entire life, body,
family, marriage, etc to the complete ownership of Jesus Christ.  
Letting Him be the controller of what happens in your life.  Going to
the back seat of the car and letting Him have the wheel.  Then and
only then does your salvation, your church, your children, your
family, and yes, even your very existence become His completely and
you will notice in your life that you will experience less satanic
dominance, satanic influence, and less satanic resistance concerning
your wanting to serve the Lord.  Just tell satan, "You're not going to
defeat me in this move of mine to serve Jesus."  Do as Jesus did, "Get
behind me, satan".  Start quoting verses (that's why we encourage
scripture memorization).  Being faithful to church and to the things of
Christ takes hard work, but there is great reward if we just follow
Him.  Let me challenge you, Christian, fight the good fight of
faith---but don't try it on your own---include Jesus---let Him be your
first line of defense against satan.  Satan cannot stand against the
Master--it is impossible for 'ole slippery foot to succeed against God,
Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

--Pastor Fryer

How Does The Church Survive

How Does The
Church Survive?
Some have said that they like the Pastor.  Or others say, I like the music and
fellowship.  But the main thrust of the church should be their missions
program--reaching others at all costs.

How much do you know about the missionaries that the church supports?  
How well do you know about their living conditions?  Their ministry?  Their
children?  The missionary's wife?  Their health?  Their battles?

Some may say, "Well, they really don't have it that bad where they are, they
are in the big cities, or they are in the capital."

Have you ever thought about these things:

1) A missionary cannot get a job in a foreign country--they must get a visa or
pass to live in that country, and many times, they have to pay that country for
their visa.

2)  They cannot receive health care from the foreign country, so they must
have health insurance from the United States.  And, we all know how
expensive this is.

3)  Hospital care in many countries is still 3rd world conditions, which means
there are very few nurses, and even fewer doctors.  Hospitals are dirty and
contaminated.  Death and STD's are very common.

4)  In some countries a missionary cannot even carry a cell phone to that
country, because the taxes on carrying items into the country is so expensive,
that it is cheaper to obtain those items there.  Or the country does not want
anything from America in their country, so you have to buy everything there

We are so spoiled here.  We have a "gotta have it now" mentality about
everything and so we are very demanding and selfish about our needs and
wants.  Jesus gave everything and yet we as Christians are so reluctant to
"give up anything" because our "wants" may suffer.

A missionary said to a congregation, "I will descend and dig, but you must
hold the ropes."  Are you doing everything you can for missions?

Our Savior did---follow in His steps----He Gave Everything....

Will you?

Pastor Jim Fryer