Monday, June 27, 2011

How We Can Become Wise (I Corinthians Chapter 1)

Introduction:  Paul writes this book from Rome and gives a very descriptive view of his world in Romans 1:18-32.  This was the society in which he lived.  When you have proud people, depending on human wisdom, adopting the lifestyle of the world you are going to have problems.  This is the theme of the Book of Corinthians and Paul is addressing the many issues of the Corinthian church.

Paul opens his letter reminding them of their calling in Christ.  He points out several important aspects of their calling.

1.  Called to be Holy (vs. 1-9)
     A.  Set apart to God (vs. 1-3)
           Church in the Greek means "a called out people".  Each church has two addresses--a geographical address "at Corinth" and a spiritual address "in Christ Jesus".  Eph. 1--"in" found 21x; vs 4-13 "Saints"--All who know Christ as saints because they have been set apart by God and for God.

     B.  Enriched by God's grace--vs 4-6 "Enriched" translates to "plutocrat" a very wealthy person.  Each believer is gifted by  God.  II Cor 8:7; Gen 24:10, 27

     C.  Enriched Jesus to return --vs. 7 -- Christians expecting Christ's return will live beyond reproach.  1 John 2:28-3:3; Ps. 119:6; Phil 1:20; I Peter 4:16

     D.  Depending on God's faithfulness--vs. 8, 9 "confirm" a legal term which settles a transaction.  Eph. 1:13, 14; Rom. 8:15; II Cor 6:18; Gal. 4,5

II.  Called to Fellowship: vs 10-25

     A.  Is Christ divided?  Vs. 10-13
           There is one Saviour and one gospel.  Gal 1:6-9; IITim 1:9, 10; I Tim 2:3-6
           They were focusing on the messenger and not the message.  I Cor 3:3-7.  Only Christ should have the preeminence.  Col. 1:18; John 3:31; Rom. 14:9; Heb 1:4; 3:3

     B.  Were you baptized in the name of Paul?  Vs. 13-17
           It cost something for each believer to be baptized in that day.  Phil 3:10; I Peter 2:20; I Cor 4:10. 
           Paul was not minimizing baptism, he was putting it into its proper perspective.

     C.  Was Paul crucified for you?  Vs.  18-25
           Paul brings the believer into remembrance of the cross, the central theme of our lives.  Gal. 6:17; Eph. 2:16; Col 1:10; 2:14
           The key word in this portion of scripture is wisdom.  It is found 8 times.  Rom 11:33; Ps. 104:24
           There are three attitudes to the cross:
            1.  They stumble at the cross--the Jews looked to the miracles and the cross is a picture of weakness. 
                  They were looking for the Messiah.  Acts 1:6
                 They could not put together Ps. 22 and Isaiah 53 with their idea of the Kingdom.  Luke 24:13-55
                  The Gospel of Jesus is powerful.  Rom. 1:16; I Cor 1:25

            2.  Some laugh at the cross.  The Greeks looked at the cross as foolishness.  They looked at the cross from man's point of view.
                 Vs. 19--Isaiah 29:14; Acts 17:30
                 Vs. 20--the wise (the expert); the scribe (the interpreter or writer) and the disputer (the philosopher or debater)

            3.  Some believed and experienced the power and wisdom of the cross.  Vs 21.  Those who have been called by God's grace, and have responded by faith realize Christ is God's power and God's Wisdom.  II Thess. 2:13-14.

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