1. Prophecy Foretold: Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 9:6--both verses meant that God's honor and promises were necessary to be kept to the world. In fact, the first mention of His provision of a Savior is in Genesis 3:15. Adam and Eve had just sinned. God knew that they would, and had a prepared plan for mankind.
2. The World Was Prepared for His Birth---Galatians 4:4-5--The Roman world had updated its roadways. All entrances to Jerusalem were guarded with sentries. Rome had made trade routes possible because of the Pax Romana (Roman Peace)--which was an update by Rome to create peace among all nations and in the process create trade. All roads were paved with stone, making travelling easier and more accessible. It was a time of great advancement to the known Roman world.
3. The Lineage of Jesus Prepared The Way --Matthew 1:1-17---42 generations had passed and now Jesus was born of Mary preparing the world for the greatest person ever born.
4. Jesus Would Be Announced To The World By A Living Relative --His cousin, John the Baptist (who was six months older than Jesus). Luke 1:26-38 gives the great detail of Jesus' relation to John. John 1:19-34 gives the purpose of John, to be the "voice of one crying in the wilderness, to prepare the way of the Lord."
All appropriations and conditions were formed in place for the coming of the Messiah--the Redeemer of the World. It is necessary that we remember that God does everything in His own time (Eccl. 3:11). There have been several comments made by leaders both religious and non religious why Jesus came when He did. The most ridiculous is that "it's really not important that He was born, the most important part of Jesus' life is that He died on the cross." CHRISTIAN, IT IS OF THE UTMOST IMPORTANCE THAT JESUS WAS BORN!! IF HE HAD NOT BEEN BORN, HE COULD NOT HAVE DIED, AND YOU WOULD STILL BE DEAD IN YOUR SINS!!
How could we trust in a risen savior, if He had not been born at all?
So you see, it is important that Jesus' lineage, life, and all that can be read and found be researched. He is not just the baby in the manger. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!! Determine in your heart and life that you will not leave Jesus of your Christmas list. The Christian's commitment level should not get less, but greater this time of year. Let me challenge you to upgrade your commitment level this year and rejoice for the Lord has been born so that those who have Him in their heart may tell others, like the Shepherds did on the eventful night.
---Pastor Fryer
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