Sunday, June 26, 2011

When Faith is Tested

FAITH:  Forsaking All I Trust Him. 

We say that we have faith, but rarely, when we re tested, do we exercise that faith that we are so readily to say that we have.  The Bible describes faith as, "the substance of thigns hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen."  (Hebrews 11:1) 

So in actuality, we are to exercise our faith as a muscle, growing from the act of faith, and showing our faith by our commitment to and trust (belief) in the Savior. 

The next step in the ladder of Christian growth is the step of service.  Many Christians have faith for salvation, but the true test comes when we actually have faith for daily provision, and in turn give our complete dedication to the One (Jesus) who supplies that need.  I supposed the best example of tru faith is Abraham, who followed God.  Abraham's obedience to go to a place that he had never seen before and follow the Lord basically, "to the ends of the earth", is a prime example of true faith---which many people would label as "blind faith".  Blind people have to have a guide, so must we--who is your guide?  Is it that check that comes regularly?  Or do you pray over every bill and secure that help from the One who secured your eternal home? 

Let's dissect the words for the acrostic of faith:

1.  Forsaking:  literally means leaving it and never thinking about it or wanting anything to do with it again.

2.  All:  Everything and everything to Him and allowing nothing to stop you from giving it all to Him.

3.  I :  personal pronoun--literally means you and yourself.

4.  Trust:  Believe

5.  Him:  Jesus and all that He says to you about what you need to do and Himself and how He will do what He promises to do.

I want to challenge you this week, month, year, or however long it takesyou...Have Faith In God!!!

---Pastor Fryer

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