Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Why Are We Encouraged To Give? (Part 2)

Another word for giving is "tithing".  Boy that sure does ruffle some feathers.  And a variety of reasons for why we are not responsible to tithe is given from "it's under the law" to "I've not been called to tithe". 

Hebrews chapter 7 is very inclusive concerning the subject of tithing.  First the word tithe means 10%.  In Hebrews chapter 7:1-4, Abraham (which lived before the law was given in Exodus and Leviticus) gave tithes to Melchisedec (King of Salem) which was a picture of Jesus Christ (Vs. 3-4).  Therefore, tithing cannot be just a principle understood under the law.  It is a believers way to show God how thankful you are for what He has given to you!!!  It does require attitude and actions---II Corinthians 9:6-15---a cheerful giver---with a smile of worship towards the One who has given us so much!!!

"Once you are sold out to Him, he expects us to "tithe" our monies and our time including our talents (another gift of the Lord)."  Time is a precious commodity and a precious gift that God has given to us--what are we doing to show the Lord that we are thanful for the time on this earth that He has given to us?

"Only one life shall soon be passed; only what's done for Christ will last." 

There are "givers" and there are "takers".  Some would give you the shirt off their back, while others complain that the sacrificial giving of the shirt was not enough.  They are takers.  Takers are complainers when someone does something for them.  But they don't want to be bothered about giving for anything concerning the church or anyone in distress.  They are self centered and yet never satisfied.  Which are you today, Christian?

Are you giving to the One who gave everythign up for you?  (John 1:11)  Or are you taking and/or not giving anything to hlep the cause of Christ--I want to challenge you, believer, to ask the Lord what He would have you to do---the choice is totally up to you.  (Joshua 24:15)

----Pastor Fryer

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