Monday, March 21, 2011

How To Have A Challenging New Year

How to have a challenging New Year....

1.  Challenge yourself to read God's Word--even if you have to read one verse, and think about that verse all day, then you have accomplished more for Jesus.

2.  Challenge yourself to be at Sunday School this year.  If you were to compare learning about God, and Jesus, to making a sandwich, then the 11am service would be the top part of the sandwich, and the 6pm service would be the bottom part of the sandwich, but the meat of the sandwich is the 10am part of the day.  In Sunday School you are going to build a foundation for yourself that will knock out all the jibberish of the world.

3.  Challenge yourself ot pray for as many of the church family as you can remember.  As you remember your church family, write them down on a piece of paper.  You will find that your problems cease as you pray for others.

4.  Challenge yourself to have one new acquainteance per month.  Then challenge yourself to invite them to church.

5.  Challenge yourself to give more to Jesus this year than last, even if it's only one dollar every month.  Push yourself to the limit and trust, try, and prove the Lord to see what kind of blessings that He will allow you to have.  You can never out-give God---remember, He owns the cattle on a thousand hills--I know that He will care for you!!!

6.  Challenge yourself to never quit on God.  The temptation may be great, but He will never leave you or forsake you--because when you ask Him into your heart, you are bought with a price.  All these challenges will help you to glorify God in your body and serve Him ultimately with your body, soul, and spirit.  Remember, He gave all for you, what can you give to Him?

--Pastor Jim Fryer

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