Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Parents Regain Your Authority!

We live in a society that tells us and our children that we need to "give" more to them, while they hardly give a "Thank You" for any gesture that is given to them.  So, how do I get my parenthood back from what I've lost?

1.  Be firm and consistent in your rules and boundaries.

2.  Be firm and consistent when rules and boundaries are broken. 

3.  Be firm and consistent to every child and the rules and boundaries don't change from one child to another.  If it's wrong for one child, then it's wrong for all the children.

4.  Don't allow your children to boss you around.  You are still the adult, and while you need to be as just as you possibly can, you still need to be firm and consistent in your decisions.  Don't let them "out maneuver" you.  They get all their training from friends which are allowed to make decisions, television, and the public schools, that they need, and they will use you as their "guinea pig" to make sure that it works.  Satan is still the father of all sin, and is a great mamipulator to the destructive factor in your home. (John 9:44)

5.  Don't reward inappropriate behavior.  Temper tantrums and bossiness are just as inappropriate as disobedience and are regarded by God as sinful as witchcraft (means user of drugs).  (I Samuel 15:23)  In this new year, let me encourage you to be consistent and firm in your walk with the Lord, being faithful to Him, and taking your stand with the One who died for you...Jesus.

Remember that He was firmly committed to the cross, regardless of the discouragement portrayed by the 11 disciples who fled, including Judas, who hanged himself.  John, the Beloved disciple, stayed with Jesus all the way to the cross, and was rewarded to see the events of the future. 

Jesus requires that His followers be the following:  (1) Love Him with heart, soul, mind, and strength (Mark 12:30-31).  (2) I Cor :2--"Moreover it is required in stewards (servants), that a man (generic term meaning male or female) be found faithful."  So the Master has called and expects us to follow.  "Though no one join me, still I will follow---no turning back, no turning back."  Will you follow, no matter the price or the cost--remember, it cost Jesus everything for people who deserved nothing.  Let me challenge you, parents, Christians, to ask the Lord to help you be more consistent to Him, and being more consistent in the home and in your own personal life.

----Pastor Fryer

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