Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Law of Faith--Proverbs 3: 1-6

Key Verse:  vs 5-6

Introduction:  In essence, it is a life of faith that is determined by the law of faith.   (Heb. 2:4) (II Cor 5:7) (Romans 14:23)  Faith is defined in Hebrews 11:1 as "..the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

To Martin Luther, faith was so much a matter of believing in propositions as of trusting in a Person.  Man was created to trust God only and wholly.  Anything less is faithlessness and godlessness.  "Faith is a lively confidence in goodness of God.  Faith demands of us:

1.  The Decision of Trust (vs 5)
   A.  Human impotence "feebleness" is the secret of divine competence "ability".  (II Cor 12:10)
     Quote:  J. Edgar Hoover once wrote:  "When one leans on his own understanding, lives by his own strength, boasts of his own
                  accomplishments, and claims he is his own master, the result is untold suffering.  Even through his position is maintained and
                  his material wealth increases, success quickly turns to failure when God is forgotten.  There is no peace of mind, no personal
                  satisfaction, no experience of true inner joy.  To trust in the Lord with all the heart is a mark of strength!  It is the only path to
                  true fulfillment."
   B.  This decision of trust calls for a capitulation, "surrender', to Christ.
         1.  "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart." (vs 5)
         2.  In Hebrew psychology, the heart is not so much the seat of emotions as that of the intellect and will.  Thus the invitation is to
              personally trust -- surrender your will to Christ. (Total allegiance) (Yield One's All)
              Illus:  C.T. Studd understood this:  He said:  "If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice is too great for me to
                         make for Him."
   C.  This decision of trust calls for a renunciation ("rejection") of self.
         1.  "...lean not unto thine own understanding."  (vs 5)
         2.  Either we renounce self, or we captiulate ("succum") to self and renounce Christ.  *So many people want to grasp the Savior
              with one hand while they hold the world with the other; it cannot be done.  We must follow the Savior without reservation.
             Illus:  A lady visiting Niagra Falls was crossing a little bridge over to one of the falls.  She saw the swirling waters beneath her
                       and she began to panic.  She frose!  The guide said, "Put your hand into my hand!"  She did and was guided to safety.
                       Christ is our Guide!

II.  The Devotion of Trust (vs 6)
   A.  "In all thy ways acknowledge Him..." (vs 6)
          1.  Praciticing the presence of Christ moment by moment involves more than learning of Christ in the Word and speaking to Christ
               in prayer.
               *It means unbroken fellowship with the Lord through a life of unqualified dependence and obedience.
          2. Every moment Jesus should be thinking through your mind, looking through your eyes, speaking through your lips, working
              through your hands, walking through your feet, and loving through your heart. (Phil. 1:21)  "For me, living is Christ."
              Illus: For many living is money, fame, sports, or sex.  You can tell what dominates ones life after five minutes of conversation.
    B.  We must daily serve the pleasure of Christ. (vs6)  "In all thy ways acknowledge him..."
          1.  Christ while on earth consuming passion was to please His Father. (John 4:34; 8: 29)  As a result God could say of His Son:
              This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." (Matt 3:17; 17:5)
          2.  Our supreme delight should be to please the Lord Jesus in everything.

III.  The Direction of Trust (vs 6)
   A.  "In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."  (vs 6)
          1.  God seldom guides a soul that follows afar off.  He will not reveal His way to the ear that will not listen.  (His will is revealed
               through His Word.)
          2.  God's power will remove obstructions in ones life.  Word "direct" is used in Isaiah 40:3, which means "to clear a highway in the
               desert".  Thank God we don't have to grope in darkness.  (Ps 23:3) (John 8:12)
           Quote:  A great writer of the past said:  "When once the decision is made, let us never look back.  Let us never dare to supposed
                        that God would fail them that trust Him or permit them to make a mistake.  If difficulties arise, they do not prove us to be
                        wrong, and probably they are less by this path than they are by any other.  Go forward!  The way has been prepared, the
                        mountains are a way; the rivers have fords, the lions are chained, the desert shall be a highway to the land that flows with
                        milk and honey."
           3.  See John 10:4
   B.  God's promise to reveal instructions to us.  (vs 6)  "He shall direct thy paths"
           1.  Word of God is God's road map for us.  It is our Guiding Light.
           2.  We are lead by the Spirit of God according to the Word of God.  God's promise to lead His own will never fail.  We have the
                 guidance of grace of Heaven.  Make the journey with Jesus.  Start today!

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