I. Preach Sound Doctrine 1:1-11
II. Proclaim the Gospel vs 12-17
III. Defend the Faith vs 18-20
Paul uses military language "Charge" which means "an urgent command handed down from a superior officer" I Tim. 1:3
The soldiers task is II Tim. 2:4 and not please himself.
Vs 19--He changes illustrations from army to navy. "Hold faith and a good conscience" which keeps us on track.
The conscience can be defined as "the inner voice which warns us that somebody may be looking".
Professing Chrsitians who "make shipwreck" of their faith do so by sinning against their consciences.
Bad Doctrine starts with bad conduct and usually with secret sin.
"Delivered unto Satan" vs 20 - implies an apostolic discipline. I Cor. 5:5 and disassociation from the local church. The verb "learn" vs 20 means to learn by discipline. When a Christian refuses to repent, the local fellowship should exercise discipline. Matt. 18 excluding them from the protective fellowship of the Saints which maeks them vulnerable to the attacks of Satan. Job 1-2; Luke 22:31-34. Churches should be balanced exposing Satan. John 8:44, I Tim. 4:1; and preaching sound doctrine. 1:10.
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