Sunday, April 24, 2011

Bulletin Updates for April 24, 2011


TODAY:  Choir Presentation:  "Hope's Alive", April 24, 2011, 10:30am, no evening service and no Sunday School.

Resurrection Sunday Offering

**May 1st--Bro. Terry Brown speaking, change offering for campers; ladies meeting with Mrs. Fryer on dress and attitude for camp.

***May 7th--Bake Sale at Walmart 9AM to 12 Noon--Parental Help and Involvement Necessary!

**May 8th--Mohter's Day; a gift for every mom in attendance on this Sunday!

***May 15th--Combined Junior and Senior Camp Canning Outing--Prental Help and Involvement Needed for driving, cooking, and clean up. 

***May 22nd, 2011 High School Graduation--be sure to tell our three graduates congratulations!  Kaylen Ruth, Gina Lee, and Ayla Pierce

***May 29th, 2011, Memorial Day Sunday:  Honoring all vets.  Be sure to invite a veteran to church for this Sunday!

JUNE 6-10---JUNIOR CAMP---campers remember your Bible and note pad for the Services at evening.  Also remember to put your name on all your clothes and towels, even your washcloths and personal items.  Campers need about $15-20 in spending money.  Also need to bring a sack lunch to eat on Monday.  We will be leaving between 9-9:30am on Monday, June 6th.  If you're not here, you will be left!
Anything that you want to use on the bus needs to be approved by Pastor Fryer, but will not be allowed off the bus during camp.  The whole purpose of camp is to get back in touch with God and with nature.  Enjoy the camp grounds including the swimming and the games.  You will enjoy yourself more if you come with an attitude of obedience and compliance toward God and man.  Remember that you are to open your heart and mind to the leading of the Lord and His reality.

---Pastor Fryer

Monday, April 18, 2011

Bulletin Updates for April 17, 2011

Choir Presentation

"Hope's Alive"
April 24th, 2011, 10:30am, no evening service and no Sunday School. 
Resurrection Sunday Offering

May 1st--Bro. Terry Brown speaking--change offering for campers

May 7th--Bake Sale at Wal-Mart 9am-12 noon

Radio Broadcast times: KKOW---860AM Tues and Thurs at 6:10 and 12:05pm, Saturdays at 7:05am.  103 FM-Sundays 8:00am to 8:30am.  Pray for those who listen!!
Church website:  Facebook page: ibbcchurch.  Blog:

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Christ's Triumph Means Your Transformation!!! (Part 2)

What Are The Steps To Transformation???

1.  Salvation by grace, through faith--Ephesians 2:8-9; II Corinthians 6:2--If you have never asked Jesus to come into your heart, be your Savior, and forgive you of your sin, then today is the accepted time--NOW IS THE DAY OF SALVATION!!!

2.  Make Him the Lord of your life---John 12:24; Mark 12:30-31; Proverbs 3:5-6

3.  Consecrate your life to only allowing Him (Jesus) to make your decisions for living and giving to God and others.  II Corinthians 6:14-16.  Don't allow yourself to becomes friends with the world. (I John 2:15-17)  Don't allow yourself to depend on the fellowship of the world to be your motivation.

4.  Completely give up what you want in life and replace it with what He (Jesus) wants.  Allow Jesus to be your example in true Christian living.  Matthew 26:39; I Peter 2:21.

5.  Be someone that Christ can rely on to complete His calling.  (Matthew 28: 19-20)  Be that bridge that Christ can use to His ultimate purpose and plan.  (Ephesians 2:10_

6.  Let Jesus sign the debt for you and keep the deed that only will be known in eternity how much you truly sacrificed for the Master.  (Revelation 22:3-4, 9, 14).  Let me challenge you, Christian, to let Jesus be in charge--BE TRANSFORMED!!!

--Pastor Fryer

What Did Jesus Give Up For You???

1.  Heaven's glory--golden streets, a crystal river of life, and all the glitter and wonderful things of heaven.

2.  Being complete spiritually bodied--he took on human flesh which means that He bled and suffered just like we do.

3.  Gave up a spiritual relationship with His Father, so that you can h ave a spiritual relationship with the Father.

4.  Suffered completely so that you and I don't have to endure all the junk that He had to experience by being in a fleshly body.

5.  Letting His kingdom be "invaded" by mortal beings--You and I.  After we accept Christ as Savior.  He allows us to be on the level of getting a heavenly home from the Father.

6.  Letting us be called "children of God".  What a concept!!!  In eternity having a heavenly body designed to be free from all that we have to endure and encounter health-wise in this life.

7.  Choosing to forgive a rotten sinner and allowing that person to be called a relation of God the Father.

---Pastor Fryer

April 9, 2011 Bulletin


Today:  April 10th--canning for Junior campers

April 17th--canning for Senior campers--NEED PARENTS TO HELP--SEE PASTOR FOR DETAILS


Choir Presentation

"Hope's Alive"
April 24th, 2011, 10:30am, no evening service and no Sunday School. 
Resurrection Sunday Offering


May 1st--Bro. Terry Brown speaking--change offering for campers

May 7th--Bake Sale at Wal-Mart 9am-12 noon


Radio Broadcast times: KKOW---860AM Tues and Thurs at 6:10 and 12:05pm, Saturdays at 7:05am.  103 FM-Sundays 8:00am to 8:30am.  Pray for those who listen!!

Church website:  Facebook page: ibbcchurch.  Blog:

Encourage others to click and join!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Who Do You Know?

Who do you know who needs Jesus?
Who do you who needs a friend?
Will you bring them to the Savior?
Will you bring them in?

What is a Missionary?

1.  A missionary is one who will endure hardness as a soldier of Jesus Christ and will not complain about it.

2.  A missionary is one who will meet the needs of the lost so that the Master gets the credit--to the glory of the LORD!!!

3.  A missionary is one who works for the night is coming when no man/woman can work.  "I must work the works of him while it is day, the night cometh when no man/woman can work."

4.  A missionary is one who works well with others and is a team player for the Mawster for the cause of Christ.

5.  A missionary is one who shares the Love that Jesus has for others and is willing to give totally of him/herself to the cause of Jesus so that others can receive Him into their hearts and lives.

So, will you be "ONE WHO"?  It's not a difficult task, but it is a task that requires submission and putting Spiritual Things in "an order of importance".  We get excited about the things we like to do, but is it always what Jesus wants us to do?  How can you be a missionary this week?  Are you praying about meeting others who need that "word of encouragement"?  Let me challenge you, Christian, to live with "Eternity's Values in View".

---Pastor Fryer

The Whole Armor of God (part 3)

The third piece of armor is the Shield of Faith.

When teaching the armor of God, we teach that the Christian puts on the armor of one specific reason---to be protected from Satan and the tricks (wiles) that he dangles in front of the Christian.  The unprotected Christian fall every time for the tricks that satan puts in front of them, but the protected Christian wins the battle because the Lord is first and holding the armor to PROTECT the child of God. 

The shield of faith is a piece of armor that is acquired by the Christian exercising the muscle of Faith, or putting our trust in Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit to "guide us into all truth."  It is important that we see the true faith that we can exercise in the Trinity to be our protectors.

But according to Proverbs 1:25-32, if we choose not to regard the protection against satan that God affords to us, we are on our own.  And we will fall every time, because God is not invited into our lives to protect us from the wiles (tricks) of the devil.  However, those who "hearkeneth unto me (God) shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil. 

So, the choice is yours Christian.  You can either live your life from calamity to calamity and live in fear, or you can trust in the Lord (Proverbs 3:5-6), put your faith in Him, and put on the "whole armor of God", to be protected from the wiles (tricks) of the devil.  The choice is yours and yours alone.

That's why some Christian live defeated lives, and some have total victory in their lives, and are constantly showered with God's blessings.

Choose whom you are going to trust......

---Pastor Fryer

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Whole Armor of God (Continued)

The second piece of the armor of God is your feet having the on the gospel of peace.  Now, this can be addressed from several different approaches. 

First, are your feet carrying the gospel of peace (the good news) to others?

Second, do you yourself have the good news in your life so you can take it to others?

Third, do you have the peace of the good news in your life?  Or, are you hard to get along with, rude in your approaches to others, or have you peace that only Jesus gives to others who put their faith and trust in Him in all circumstances?

See, God's peace is for those who truly desire to honor Him in all aspects of their lives.  That's why some can lay their head on their pillows and sleap peacefully.  The hymn writer said it best, "O the peace that Jesus gives, never dies, it always lives." 

Maybe you don't have that peace, and have never had that peace.  Philippians 4:16-17 states.  "Be careful (worried or anxious) for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.  And the peace of God which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."  It's all in how you want to live your life. 

Either by worry, worry, worry, and frustration...or giving it all to the Father, God, and His Son, Jesus, and allowing Him to take the problem(s), and "casting all your care on Him" because "He careth for you." 

What's it going to be?  Do you trust God who never lies, or yourself, who is sinful and deginerate creature?

---Pastor Fryer

The Whole Armor of God

Ephesians 6:10-18

How Does the "Armor of God" apply to the military?

1.  To be in the military, one has to sign-on.  You have to personally sign-up to be considered a part of the military.

2.  To be in the military, a man or woman must have the correct uniform.  A uniform distinguishes each branch of the military.  Without the uniform, one is not considered a part.

3.  When one is in the military, one receives orders to direct you to where you are to serve.  If you are not where you have been ordered to be, you are considered AWOL (Absent With Out Leave or Permission). 

So, a Christian might ask, "How does this still apply?"  Well, here's the answer:  To be in God's army, you have to "sign on", which means that you have to have Jesus in your heart---John 14:6 points to Jesus as being the way to heaven.  Then, after you ask the Lord Jesus into your heart and life, you are given the uniform of "Christian", which means that you are a little Jesus walking around and as you grow, you are instructed or discipled to learn more about serving the Master and being up-graded in His army.  Since we all grow differently, the orders are directed differently and the assignments are different.  Some are directed to teach, while others are directed into the choir, the nursery, and the ultimate orders given by the Master Drill Instructor is to be a missionary or a preacher of the glorious gospel of God.  But, we are all given orders, it just matters what we do with them.  Are you AWOL?  Or are you obeying the Great Commission?

---Pastor Fryer

Who Pays The Price For Commitment?

1.  Those who are willing to take the chance of living completely for the Lord Jesus.

2.  Those who are not afraid of saying Jesus' name in a praise way, not taking His name in vain.

3.  Those who cannot think of anything else but to glorify the Lord Jesus in all of their life's goals and ambitions.

4.  Those who are totally surrendered and submitted to His bidding and His calling.

5.  Those who have said "yes" to the Master and are willing to follow Him no matter where it may lead.

6.  Those who can say "I did all of what I did for Jesus, not for anyone else, but for Him."

7.  Those who want to hear Jesus say, "Well done thou good and faithful servant."

See, paying the price does not mean that at the drop of the hat you are offended.  It does mean, however, that if you are offended, you give it to Jesus and keep on working, because the servant is not greater than his Lord.  Jesus paid it all--all to Him I owe.  Sin had left a crimson stain.  He (Jesus) washed it white as snow.  Are you willing (remember that's a servant's attitude) to allow the hurt, hjabits, and hangups of the past to be placed under the blood and to be put on the Master? 

That's what He wants you to do, but you have to be submitted to Him.  Allow Him to take all of your offense and nail it to His cross.  He is better equipped to deal with it--than you!!

Does "Dare to Be a Daniel" Really Work?

A young man named Elijah had always been bold about his faith in Jesus Christ, but sometimes sharing it with those who were skeptical was a challenge for him.  In fact, sometimes he was just as hesitant as adults are.  One day he was walking his dog, and God spoke to him to talk to a boy from the neighborhood who was sitting on a park bench.  At first Elijah did not want to witness to this young man, because this guy had been known to beat people up for no reason.  It was difficult decision. 

So, Elijah kept on going.  But God was very insistent about talking to the young person.  Elijah gave into God that day, and the bully got saved!  Elijah not only completed the Dare to be a Daniel program, but he had also decided that missionary work is his calling from God.  "It frustrated me that so many people don't think God is real, where there are thousands of facts that prove He is.  There are 66 books in the Bible and 40 authors and all their facts line up.  That right there is a miracle," says Elijah.

Now I want to challenge you parents.  What would you think if your young person felt like God wanted he or she to be a missionary?  Would YOU resist and give them the "wet blanket"?  How would you respond?  See parents want their child to be a better Christian in the home, but they don't want that same child to be something for God on a foreign mission field.  And I'm sure that keeping that child close to you is of the utmost importance.  But think about this verse, "For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's."  I Corinthians 6:20. 

I'm reminded what a Negro preacher said to parents who had lost a small child, "Now He (God) didn't give you that baby, not by a hundred thousand miles; he just knew you needed some sunshine, and He (God) lent it to you for a while."  See parents, your children are just on loan from God, He created them, and they are His anyway.  I trust that you will not be selfish with your children and allow them to be whatever God wants them to be for His honor and glory.

----Pastor Fryer

Why Is A Girls' Home So Necessary?

1.  Precious Cornerstone Girls Home receives girls from State Institutions, Homeless Shelters, and "good homes".  These girls are destitute (without proper anything--including morals) and need proper examples in front of them to love them back into society.

2.  The girls that they receive are taught to cook, clean, be "keepers at home", and are trained to be acceptable in society.  Mrs. Woods is a great example of the Proverbs 31 woman and keeps 22 mouths fed on a daily basis.

3.  They are given the gospel (good news) about Jesus, kept in a fundamental, Baptist church, and are home schooled using cirriculum that is designed to help them learn the basics of math, history, English, and science.  They are given individual chores and responsibilities that help them learn to be givers, not takers.


"And of some having compassion, making a difference."  The Woods' family are "making a difference" in lives of girls and boys who need all the love and attention that this family can possibly give.  My question is---will you be the ONE who will make it easy or difficult for them? 

How Are You Investing In Eternity?

We live in a society which is constantly encouraging us to buy insurance and somehow investing in the future so that others are not bogged down with the debt that we leave behind.  But, the critical heart of the matter is that we are also called by God, "to sound the warning, to call sinners (the lost) to repentance, to point the way to peace with God and the hope that is in Christ."  (Billy Graham)

Just think about what you already own--perhaps a car, a home, clothing, food, ultimate "toys" and a multitude of other gadgets and things to fit our social, and physical "needs".  We let our children scream at us, "but, mom, dad, I have to have it."  And we give things to ourselves, but what does God get?  A local church attender in Michigan stated about giving, "It's my lifestyle.  If I couldn't serve God this way, I would feel lost or incomplete."  Another lady (remains nameless), stated that when she was a child her father placed his last $3.00 in the offering plate at church.  It was the Great Depression.  Her father stated, "God gave us that money, and I'm sure He will supply us with more."  Phillipians 4:19 states, "But my God will supply your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." 

See, the Bible states, "need", not "needs" or "wants".  Just one need at a time to require faith on our part--"Put Your Hand in the Hand" was a favorite Christian song in the '70's, and was criticized greatly, but are we doing it in a day and time when we worry over the smallest debt we've created?  I want to encourage you Christian to ask God to "enlarge your coast" as you approach revival.  Remember, every area must be given to God for individual revival.  "We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus..."  Are you allowing the Master Crafter to have His will and His way in your life?  Surrender to Him, Christian, You'll never be sorry you did.

---Pastor Fryer

Thursday, April 7, 2011

What Do You Consider Too Much For Jesus?

Or...what do you consider a Sacrifice?

1.  Some consider a sacrifice being encouraged to come to Sunday School and Church on Sunday morning and Sunday evening.  Others consider Wednesday Evening services too much.  One hour of my time is surely enough.

2.  Others consider giving of their time, talent, and treasure too much and are reluctant to give anything to Jesus.

3.  Some consider some jobs to be "too low" for them and they only want to have teh "Upper Curst" jobs.

4.  Some consider that their opinion is more important than others therefore they should get more recognition than others.

What is sacrifice?  Defined is : Giving of something when don't necessarrily have it to give".....  So are we all sacrificing?  Or are we just "giving"?  Pastor Wise taught this:  that there is the tithe--giving of 10 percent;  there is the offering--giving extra to God's work; and there is the sacrifice---giving  of time, talent, and treasure when you don't really have it to give--whether strength, money, or ability. 

What do we as a church need to sacrifice for the cause of Christ?  Have we been "stretched to the limit"?  Read about those who gave all they could in Hebrews 11.  The main reason they are in the Patriarchial Hall of Fame is because they were "stretched" and passed the test. 

Christian, what can "stretch" you individually to be more of a sacrificial Christian?

What can I give HIM, poor as I am
If I were a shepherd, I would give a lamb
If I were a wise man, I would do my part
What can I give HIM, I'll give HIM my heart.

Maybe you've already given Jesus your heart in salvation, but you've never truly given Him your all in being sactified, in service, in sacrifice.  It is a growing process and none of us have "arrived", but you will not begin the process unless you are willing to give up somethings that are tearing you down and making you "bound" to the world and the worldly philosophy with which we are faced in every aspect of our earthly lives. 

Let me encourage you to start just being here more and asking God what He wants from you.....

---Pastor Fryer

What is a Soul Winner?

By definition: a soul-winner is one who directs others to the Lord Jesus and  leads a person to following the Master in direct to His desires.  Let us look for a brief moment at I Corinthians 3:6,7 and I Corinthians 4:2.  Remember that we are "His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus..."  (Eph. 2:10a) 

We only are able to lead others to Jesus by the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, but we are not the Holy Spirit--we cannot make the transition occur.  I Corinthians 3:6, 7 states that it's "God who gives the increase."  So, in actuality, we cannot claim anything or give any one person the praise, but God (I Corinthians 3:7). 

Example:  If a mother brings her children with her and the said children go to the nursery, Beginner Church, and Junior Church--plus the mother walks the aisle and is lead to the Lord by an altar worker, not only does the altar worker have a part in the reward, but the preacher does, and the workers in al the avenues where her children were...see.  It's a joint effort.  It takes a lot of work to get people to see the gospel, because we are finite beings, but the Great Infinite God can illuminate anyone's eyes, mind, and heart to see the light of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ.  Some people take longer for the light to come on, not because our God is less great, but because man or woman, boy or girl, is so stubborn and may have had more of an influence by the world or worldliness.

It's not our objective to "judge" or be a detective to try to manipulate the change in a person:  that's still God's domain.  Our role in the transference is to just bring the meal (gospel) to the table (from the Bible); we are to be His gospel-bringers; bringers of the "good news"; the shepherds did it the night Jesus was born; the woman at the well did it in Samaria; Andrew brought Simon to Jesus; and countless missionaries, and Christian workers have brought the light of the glorious gospel to shine in the midst of a sin-cursed world---will you do this fantastic job too? 

Remember you are commanded to--Matthew 28:19, 20.  Are you obeying the Master?  I challenge you today to be a gospel-bearer of great things to lost, confused, sinful people who live very complicated lives because they have never given their lives to Jesus.

---Pastor Fryer