Thursday, April 7, 2011

What Do You Consider Too Much For Jesus?

Or...what do you consider a Sacrifice?

1.  Some consider a sacrifice being encouraged to come to Sunday School and Church on Sunday morning and Sunday evening.  Others consider Wednesday Evening services too much.  One hour of my time is surely enough.

2.  Others consider giving of their time, talent, and treasure too much and are reluctant to give anything to Jesus.

3.  Some consider some jobs to be "too low" for them and they only want to have teh "Upper Curst" jobs.

4.  Some consider that their opinion is more important than others therefore they should get more recognition than others.

What is sacrifice?  Defined is : Giving of something when don't necessarrily have it to give".....  So are we all sacrificing?  Or are we just "giving"?  Pastor Wise taught this:  that there is the tithe--giving of 10 percent;  there is the offering--giving extra to God's work; and there is the sacrifice---giving  of time, talent, and treasure when you don't really have it to give--whether strength, money, or ability. 

What do we as a church need to sacrifice for the cause of Christ?  Have we been "stretched to the limit"?  Read about those who gave all they could in Hebrews 11.  The main reason they are in the Patriarchial Hall of Fame is because they were "stretched" and passed the test. 

Christian, what can "stretch" you individually to be more of a sacrificial Christian?

What can I give HIM, poor as I am
If I were a shepherd, I would give a lamb
If I were a wise man, I would do my part
What can I give HIM, I'll give HIM my heart.

Maybe you've already given Jesus your heart in salvation, but you've never truly given Him your all in being sactified, in service, in sacrifice.  It is a growing process and none of us have "arrived", but you will not begin the process unless you are willing to give up somethings that are tearing you down and making you "bound" to the world and the worldly philosophy with which we are faced in every aspect of our earthly lives. 

Let me encourage you to start just being here more and asking God what He wants from you.....

---Pastor Fryer

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