Friday, April 8, 2011

The Whole Armor of God

Ephesians 6:10-18

How Does the "Armor of God" apply to the military?

1.  To be in the military, one has to sign-on.  You have to personally sign-up to be considered a part of the military.

2.  To be in the military, a man or woman must have the correct uniform.  A uniform distinguishes each branch of the military.  Without the uniform, one is not considered a part.

3.  When one is in the military, one receives orders to direct you to where you are to serve.  If you are not where you have been ordered to be, you are considered AWOL (Absent With Out Leave or Permission). 

So, a Christian might ask, "How does this still apply?"  Well, here's the answer:  To be in God's army, you have to "sign on", which means that you have to have Jesus in your heart---John 14:6 points to Jesus as being the way to heaven.  Then, after you ask the Lord Jesus into your heart and life, you are given the uniform of "Christian", which means that you are a little Jesus walking around and as you grow, you are instructed or discipled to learn more about serving the Master and being up-graded in His army.  Since we all grow differently, the orders are directed differently and the assignments are different.  Some are directed to teach, while others are directed into the choir, the nursery, and the ultimate orders given by the Master Drill Instructor is to be a missionary or a preacher of the glorious gospel of God.  But, we are all given orders, it just matters what we do with them.  Are you AWOL?  Or are you obeying the Great Commission?

---Pastor Fryer

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