The second piece of the armor of God is your feet having the on the gospel of peace. Now, this can be addressed from several different approaches.
First, are your feet carrying the gospel of peace (the good news) to others?
Second, do you yourself have the good news in your life so you can take it to others?
Third, do you have the peace of the good news in your life? Or, are you hard to get along with, rude in your approaches to others, or have you peace that only Jesus gives to others who put their faith and trust in Him in all circumstances?
See, God's peace is for those who truly desire to honor Him in all aspects of their lives. That's why some can lay their head on their pillows and sleap peacefully. The hymn writer said it best, "O the peace that Jesus gives, never dies, it always lives."
Maybe you don't have that peace, and have never had that peace. Philippians 4:16-17 states. "Be careful (worried or anxious) for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." It's all in how you want to live your life.
Either by worry, worry, worry, and frustration...or giving it all to the Father, God, and His Son, Jesus, and allowing Him to take the problem(s), and "casting all your care on Him" because "He careth for you."
What's it going to be? Do you trust God who never lies, or yourself, who is sinful and deginerate creature?
---Pastor Fryer
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