Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Whole Armor of God (part 3)

The third piece of armor is the Shield of Faith.

When teaching the armor of God, we teach that the Christian puts on the armor of one specific reason---to be protected from Satan and the tricks (wiles) that he dangles in front of the Christian.  The unprotected Christian fall every time for the tricks that satan puts in front of them, but the protected Christian wins the battle because the Lord is first and holding the armor to PROTECT the child of God. 

The shield of faith is a piece of armor that is acquired by the Christian exercising the muscle of Faith, or putting our trust in Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit to "guide us into all truth."  It is important that we see the true faith that we can exercise in the Trinity to be our protectors.

But according to Proverbs 1:25-32, if we choose not to regard the protection against satan that God affords to us, we are on our own.  And we will fall every time, because God is not invited into our lives to protect us from the wiles (tricks) of the devil.  However, those who "hearkeneth unto me (God) shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil. 

So, the choice is yours Christian.  You can either live your life from calamity to calamity and live in fear, or you can trust in the Lord (Proverbs 3:5-6), put your faith in Him, and put on the "whole armor of God", to be protected from the wiles (tricks) of the devil.  The choice is yours and yours alone.

That's why some Christian live defeated lives, and some have total victory in their lives, and are constantly showered with God's blessings.

Choose whom you are going to trust......

---Pastor Fryer

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